With this plugins you can block the player to stay zommed more than 3 seconds.
- 1. “antizoomed.amxx” file in the / plugins folder.
- 2. Add “antizoomed.amxx” text to the bottom line of the plugins.ini file.
- 3. Finally, reset the server, or change the map.!
you can change drop zoomed seconds edit this #define MAX_ZOOM_TIME 3.0
#include <amxmodx>
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"
#define TASK_ZOOM 123987
#define MAX_ZOOM_TIME 3.0
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Max Zoom Time", PLUGIN_VERSION, "OciXCrom")
register_event("SetFOV", "OnSetFOV", "b")
public OnSetFOV(id)
if(get_user_weapon(id) != CSW_AWP)
if(read_data(1) < 90)
set_task(MAX_ZOOM_TIME, "DropWeapon", id + TASK_ZOOM)
else remove_task(id + TASK_ZOOM)
public DropWeapon(id)
client_cmd(id, "drop")
client_print(id, print_center, "You can't stay zoomed more than %.0f seconds.", MAX_ZOOM_TIME, id)
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