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Simple Afk Slay in 30 sec

Afk Slayer 30 sec

The AFK Slayer plug-in is a plug-in that automatically “slides” to players with AFK. Automatically kills players with more than 30 seconds of Afk stay.



you can change the time to slay the afk change this

#define TIME 30.0


#include <amxmodx> 
#include <amxmisc> 
#include <hamsandwich> 
#include <fakemeta> 

#define TIME 30.0 

new Float:player_origin[33][3]; 

public plugin_init() 
    register_plugin( "Simple Afk Slayer 30", "3.0", "Gaming-Zone" );
    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "e_Spawn", 1); 
public e_Spawn(id) 
        set_task(0.8, "get_spawn", id); 
    return HAM_IGNORED; 

public get_spawn(id) 
    pev(id, pev_origin, player_origin[id]); 
    set_task(TIME, "check_afk", id); 
public check_afk(id) 
            new name[33]; 
            get_user_name(id, name, 32); 
            client_print(0, print_chat,  "%s was killed for AFK.", name); // fixed error here too 
public same_origin(id) 
    new Float:origin[3]; 
    pev(id, pev_origin, origin); 
    for(new i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
        if(origin[i] != player_origin[id][i]) 
            return 0; 
    return 1; 


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