AuthorCrock, Asmodai, s1lentRequirements ReHLDS 653 engine or newer MetaMod 1.20 (p) or newer Thanks dreamstalker for the ReHLDS project ; Crock / Lev for Dproto and all the other people who helped develop dproto. kazakh758 for help with testing the client hang-up fix with a crooked serverbrowser Reunion is a sequel to DProto for ReHLDS .It metamod plugin that allows you to enter 47 / 48 Non-Steam…

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Author Crock, Asmodai, s1lent Requirements ReHLDS 653 engine or newer MetaMod 1.20 (p) or newer Thanks dreamstalker for the ReHLDS project ; Crock / Lev for Dproto and all the other people who helped develop dproto. kazakh758 for help with testing the client hang-up fix with a crooked serverbrowser Reunion is a sequel to DProto for ReHLDS .It metamod plugin that allows you…

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Dproto 0.9.391 – FOR HLDS

DProto is a plugin for Metamod that allows protocol 47 and 48 no-steam clients to join the server.Except this main function it fixes many security issues with GoldSrc server and contrary to HLDS it is updated often. FEATURES: Server accepts all known clients based on 47 and 48 protocols (with…

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