Amxx Clock Maker

Amxx Clock Maker for cs 1.6 Server Description:This plugin allows the creation of multiple clocks on the map that can be saved and the map reloaded. Commands:say /cm – To open the main menu. Cvars:cm_hourtype 1 (0: 12 hours, 1: 24 hours).cm_hourannounce 1 (hear time on time).cm_timeoffset 0 (the time…

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Amxx C4 Hud Timer v2

Amxx Bomb Countdown HUD Timer . Description:With this plugin you can see a Hud with the time of the C4, until it explodes.If there is less than 8 seconds left to explode, the hudmessage color will be red, if> 7 it will be yellow and> 13 it will be green….

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AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE & Round V3 with color blue for ct , red for t Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. Put hudteamscorev3.amxx in amxmodx / plugins.Add hudteamscorev3.amxx at the bottom of…

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AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE V2 WITH COLOR Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. Put hudteamscorev2.amxx in amxmodx / plugins.Add hudteamscorev2.amxx at the bottom of plugins.ini and save it.Finally change map or restart the…

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AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE WITH COLOR Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. . Instruction; Put hudteamscore.amxx in amxmodx / plugins. Add hudteamscore.amxx at the bottom of plugins.ini and save it. Finally change map…

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Amxx Unbanmenu For Admins

A plugin that will make it easy for you to delete registered ips in banned.cfg and listip.cfg. You can clear the list with one command. Cvar commands; amx_unbanmenu – Opens Ban Clear Menu . . Instruction; Put unbanmenu.amxx in amxmodx / plugins. Add unbanmenu.amxx at the bottom of Plugins.ini and save…

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Amxx Grenade Trail

This plugins makes you see the travel of a Grenade when you or someone else throws one. HE = Red FB = Blue SG = Green Instruction : “granade_trail.amxx” file in the / plugins folder. Add “granade_trail.amxx” text to the bottom line of the plugins.ini file Finally, reset the server,…

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Amxx Admin Prefixes

Admin Prefixes for cs server Description: With this plugin you can set prefixes to Admins with special flags. Also Admins can put custom prefixes to them or to other players if they want, but only if they have the required flag. Cvars : ap_bad_prefixes 1 ap_listen 0 ap_listen_flag l ap_custom_current…

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