Cvar supported game startup automatic restart plugin. New opening mapte restarts automatically after the second round.
Cvar commands;
amx_restart_round 2 (The command to restart in the third round)
amx_restart_time 15 (The command to restart after how many seconds in the selected round)
amx_restart_notice 3 ( Allows players to see how the res was taken)
- 0 : Don’t show up
- 1 : As a chat message
- 2 : As Hud message
- 3 : Both as a chat and as a hud message
amx_restart_message “%seconds% SECONDS MATCH START” … (command to change restart message)
amx_restart_hud_color “0 76 153” (you can change hud color RGP format)
amx_restart_message “MATCH START NOW”
amx_restart_message_color 4 (The command to show the color of the message)
- 1 : green
- 2 : red
- 3 : gray
- 4 : blue
- 5 : normal (con_color)
- 6 : team color
amx_restart_sound 0 (Command for restart to be sound supported)
- 1. “autorestart.amxx” file to / cstrike / addons / amxmodx / plugins folder.
- 3. Add the text “autorestart.amxx” to the bottom line of the /cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini file.
- 4. Finally restart the server, or change map.!
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