Simple Afk Slay in 30 sec

Afk Slayer 30 sec The AFK Slayer plug-in is a plug-in that automatically “slides” to players with AFK. Automatically kills players with more than 30 seconds of Afk stay. . . you can change the time to slay the afk change this #define TIME 30.0 . .

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Server Ip Ad Blocking

Server Ip Ad Blocking Server ip ad blocking plug-in helps to ban ip advertisements on the server automatically. Banning time as a result of the rope advertisement is 30 minutes.    1. File “dontsayips.sma” to the / cstrike / addons / amxmodx / scripting folder.   2. “dontsayips.amxx” file in the /…

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GameName Change Plugin

GameName Change Plugin The game name changer plug-in serves to replace “Counter Strike” in the picture shown below. After installing the plugins, in the bottom line of the server.cfg file, type amx_gamename “” where you want it to be written in the place shown in the picture. . Installation; . .

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Weapon Back Plugin

Weapon Appearing On The Back AMXX Plugin The backweapon plug, which is the CS 1.6 weapon plugin, allows the weapons to appear on the back of the player. It is one of the most popular plugins. It allows each weapon to take on its back after changing hands. Installation; . .

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Ban Name Amxx plugin

Ban Name Amxx plugin Ban Name plug-in allows you to ban nicknames that you do not want to enter. You write the nicknames you want to block in the names_banned.ini file. When the disabled nick enters svye, the plugin catches it and throws it before it enters. . .

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