CS 1.6 Server
Cs 1.6 Default Skins
AMXX Frag Counter
AMXX Map Mode 2×2 – Low Players [EN]
Amxx Unbanmenu For Admins

A plugin that will make it easy for you to delete registered ips in banned.cfg and listip.cfg. You can clear the list with one command. Cvar commands; amx_unbanmenu – Opens Ban Clear Menu . . Instruction; Put unbanmenu.amxx in amxmodx / plugins. Add unbanmenu.amxx at the bottom of Plugins.ini and save…
Amxx Grenade Trail
Amxx 16vs16 on Map
Amxx Admin Prefixes

Admin Prefixes for cs server Description: With this plugin you can set prefixes to Admins with special flags. Also Admins can put custom prefixes to them or to other players if they want, but only if they have the required flag. Cvars : ap_bad_prefixes 1 ap_listen 0 ap_listen_flag l ap_custom_current…
AMXX AFK Manager – Afk to Spec
Amxx Autoresponder / Advertiser

Amxx Autoresponder / Advertiser for CS 1.6 Description:Plugin that spamming from time to time in the say chat, useful when advertising the forum or informing players on the server … Configuration:we open advertisements.ini we add our information that we want the plugin to show e.g. !tDownload the best CS 1.6…