Amxx Ping Faker

This plugin can fake the display of a player’s latency (ping) shown on the scoreboard. Unlike the “fakelag” command, it does not affect the player’s real latency in any way. Plugin Cvars : pingfake_ping 12pingfake_flux 4 . BEFORE AFTER : . .

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Auto Restart in Round or Seconds

Cvar supported game startup automatic restart plugin. New opening mapte restarts automatically after the second round. Cvar commands; amx_restart_round 2 (The command to restart in the third round) amx_restart_time 15 (The command to restart after how many seconds in the selected round) amx_restart_notice 3 ( Allows players to see how the res was taken) 0 : Don’t show up 1 : As…

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Kill Assist

When a player gets killed, this plugin checks if another player, from the same team, did enough damage to the victim so that he could be an accomplice to the kill and the assister will also receive a frag . . Instruction : “kill-assist.amxx” file in the / plugins folder….

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Kill Message

When you die, the players and the number of people it kills you killed her health information say `well that colorful message to Download plugin. Cvar commands; amx_show_victim 1 (Open) 0 (Shutdown) (Message indicator command of the deceased) amx_show_killer 1 (On) 0 (Shutdown) (Message indicator command of the killer ) amx_victim_sound 1 (On) 0 (Shutdown) (The command sounds message support sounds at the moment you die ) ….

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Custum Hud Message

An ad-smelling plugin.  it’s more of an advertising plugin. You can broadcast a fixed message or site advertisement that you have set in the upper right corner of the screen. Additionally, you can add an effect to the message. I put two pictures as an example. Probably a plugin that I think most…

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Simple Knife Warmup on Round 1

The Simple knife warmup plugini only allows knife fight at the start of the first round for each new map transition. Standard fighting time is 60 seconds with cvar support . You can extend or shorten this period. Cvar command; warmup_timer 60 / Command to set war time . . simple_warmup.amxx is with mp_freezetime 0simple_warmup3.amxx is with mp_freezetime 3…

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Amxx Round Message

The plugin is used to indicate which round, which map we are in, and the number of players on the server, in color from the starting number of each round . Cvar commands; amx_playsound 1 (On) 0 (Switch off) (Voice command) amx_chatmessage 1 (Open) 0 (Close) (Plugini on / off command) . . Setup;    1. File “round_chat_msg.sma” to / cstrike / addons / amxmodx…

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Amxx Spectator Bot

The website bot allows your website name to appear in space as a bot. It’s an advertising bot, it doesn’t function in the game. It is halfway to advertising the website by staying in the space constantly. I put the sample picture. Put this command in the amxx.cfg file, bw_botname Cvar Commands; bw_botname Gaming-Zone.Info bw_kickbot 30 (This command does not occupy…

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Amxx No Team Flash

. It is a very useful and nice plug-in that ensures that the flashes against the opposing team during the game do not affect your own teammates . . . . Installation; File “no_team_flash.sma” into the / cstrike / addons / amxmodx / scripting folder. File “no_team_flash.amxx” into the /…

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Descriptive ‘Fire in the hole!’ (+colors)

Descriptive ‘Fire in the hole!’Description Plugin provides additional colored text for “Fire in the hole!” radio chat message.The color and the text is different for each grenade type and can be altered.This will help teammates to get the throwed grenade type and act accordingly.Search for “EDITABLE” mark in the plugin’s…

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