The XClient Detector plugin is protection against XFakePlayers software , in other words, it protects your server from fakes (bots) which, in principle, do not do any harm, except that they hang in the account table and occupy a slot, so if you have suspicious “players” with random nicknames, install this plugin. This version perfectly copes with fakes XFakePlayers v1.13 .
[pawn] xvi 1 // enable / disable detection.
xvi_crash 1 // enable / disable the crash of old bots.
xvi_time -1 // -1 kick
xvi_sens 2 // number of checks (1-999), the more, the better the detection, but 2 (standard)
xvi_log 1 // logging on / off
xvi_reason Fake // Reason for the kick [/ pawn]

This plugin is distributed without source code, if for some reason you are afraid to install the plugin without the source code, there are other ways to protect yourself, for example facedetector by Asmodai, which can be found on the official dedicated-server developer forum .ru