AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE WITH COLOR Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. . Instruction; Put hudteamscore.amxx in amxmodx / plugins. Add hudteamscore.amxx at the bottom of plugins.ini and save it. Finally change map…

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AMXX Weapon Glow

AMXX Weapon Glow Description:This plugin allows you to place a glow on dropped weapons. Commands:N / A Cvars:amx_wpglow_mode “0 | 1 | 2 | 3”0: Disable the glow of weapons.1: The glow is Red or Blue depending on which team was the player that dropped it.2: The glow is random colors.3:…

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StatsX Shell Ultimate StatsX – is an advanced plug-in statistics, performed on the basis of the original StatsX. You can choose one of nine in order for the statistics and a list of the best players in the MOTD Choosing a template is given a variable amx_statsx_design // 0 – the…

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AMXX Tutor Advertisments V2

Description : The plugin displays messages in the upper right corner of the screen every X seconds (set by cvar) in CS: Z style. Messages are saved in a .ini file, which is created by itself after the first launch of the plugin.From the .ini file you can set: Message text Message…

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AuthorCrock, Asmodai, s1lentRequirements ReHLDS 653 engine or newer MetaMod 1.20 (p) or newer Thanks dreamstalker for the ReHLDS project ; Crock / Lev for Dproto and all the other people who helped develop dproto. kazakh758 for help with testing the client hang-up fix with a crooked serverbrowser Reunion is a sequel to DProto for ReHLDS .It metamod plugin that allows you to enter 47 / 48 Non-Steam…

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Author Crock, Asmodai, s1lent Requirements ReHLDS 653 engine or newer MetaMod 1.20 (p) or newer Thanks dreamstalker for the ReHLDS project ; Crock / Lev for Dproto and all the other people who helped develop dproto. kazakh758 for help with testing the client hang-up fix with a crooked serverbrowser Reunion is a sequel to DProto for ReHLDS .It metamod plugin that allows you…

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XClient Detector Protection

The XClient Detector plugin is protection against XFakePlayers software , in other words, it protects your server from fakes (bots) which, in principle, do not do any harm, except that they hang in the account table and occupy a slot, so if you have suspicious “players” with random nicknames, install this plugin. This version perfectly copes with…

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