StatsX Shell Ultimate StatsX – is an advanced plug-in statistics, performed on the basis of the original StatsX.

You can choose one of nine in order for the statistics and a list of the best players in the MOTD

Choosing a template is given a variable amx_statsx_design

// 0 – the Classical pattern (black-orange)
// 1 – Pattern MastaMOTD’s 2.5.0
// 2 – Pattern Joomla 1.5
// 3 – Pattern PsychoStats 3.2
// 4 – Pattern Google
// 5 – Pattern CS-LIPNIKI
// 6 – the Pattern
// 7 – the Pattern
// 8 – the Pattern statsx_gui from UFPS Team
// 9 – the Pattern
// 10 – Pattern Steam
// 11 – the Pattern
// 12 – the Pattern
// 13 – Pattern HELL
// 14 – the Accidental choice (1-13) at each opening statistics
// 15 – the Accidental choice (1-13) at each change of a card
// Value by default: 1
amx_statsx_design 1

you can change another cvars go to configs/statsx_shell and edit statsx_shell.cfg

– Install the plugin:
1- Disable standard “statsx.amxx” in cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini
2- Unzip the archive.
3- File plugins “statsx_shell.amxx” cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins copy in a folder on your server.
4- List the “statsx_shell.amxx” in cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\plugins.ini on your server.
5- Localization file data\lang\statsx_shell.txt, cstrike\addons\amxmodx\data\lang copy in a folder on your server.
6- Folder configs\statsx_shell copy in a folder on your server cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs
7- Restart the server.

More info :

– StatsX Shell (Ultimate StatsX) – is an advanced plug-in statistics, performed on the basis of the original StatsX.

Refinement of the plugin:
A complete and high quality translation
Correct display of symbols “”
MOTD templates
A new look and structure of the list of the best players
Statistics of the worst players
Statistics for the damage done
Statistics on homicide in the head
Statistics of hourly visits
Played Time Stats
View any position player rankings
System of awards and bonuses
Message when you connect
Scroll HUD statistics of the best players
Colored in the chat notifications

– Client commands:
Chat-command for the old and new modes of operation plug-in:
/ Me – stats, the damage done to the enemy
/ Hp – stats, the damage done to you
/ Rank – your current rank on the server
/ Statsme – your statistics murders, deaths, hits, shots, efficiency and accuracy
/ Stats – stats of other players
/ Rankstats – detailed statistics
/ Report – displays the current weapons, ammunition and armor% of life
/ Score – stats, wins and team performance
/ Switch – enables / disables the HUD statistics at the end of round
/ Top15 – top 15 player server

– Chat-command for the new operation mode plug-in:
/ Top, / top10, / top15, / place, / 1place, / 1place – 10-ka best players in the server
/ Top2, / top20, / 2place – Top 20 best players in the server
/ Top3, / top30, / 3place – 30-ka best players in the server
/ Dmg, / damage – the top 10 players on the damage done
/ Hs, / headshot – the top 10 players on the killings in his head
/ Bot, / bots, / flop, / flops, / noob, / noobs, / lol, / lols – 10 worst players server
/ Top № – browse any position players where № – Item Number
/ Award – awards show statistics
/ Day, / attend – show statistics of visits for today
/ Time, / pt – show stats of players Played Time

-System requirements:– Necessary modules:


StatsX Shell (Ultimate StatsX) – is an advanced plug-in statistics, performed on the basis of the original StatsX.


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