Plugin Weapon Lights v0.71 for cs 1.6
A very simple Weapon Lights v0.71 plugin for cs 1.6 server , it adds a glow effect when a shot is fired, it will make shooting with weapons more realistic and it will be more pleasant for visitors to play!
weapon_lights 1/0 – the number 0 is turned off, and the number 1 is turned on, the standard number is 1
weapon_lights_radius – the size of the dynamic light, standard 18 (In the screenshot 60)
weapon_lights_color – RGB 0-255, standard 255 150 15
weapon_lights_silenced – 0 = disable glow | 1 = normal glow | 2 = 50% of normal light, standard 2
Required modules for the plugin to work fully:
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