Invisibility Plugin

Invisibility Plugin . . IT ONLY CAN BE USED BY ADMINS. Maybe you can’t ahead see my friend because he es Admin and he putted this plugin XD a plugin that can be used on BaseBuilder when a player does “Slow Entry”, you involve invisible and you can pass without…

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Amx Rocket Plugin

Amx Rocket Plugin . . t is a plugin that blows up the player like a rocket with the amx_rocket command, causing the player to die when it explodes. It is a very popular plugin. When you type the example command amx_rocket csplugin, that player eats a rocket.Cvar Command; Installation;

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Show teammate’s money

Show teammate’s money Description: When a player respawns, they will be shown a hud message with each teammate’s money. CVAR-s:stm_on <1|0> – Plugin On/Off.stm_st_on <1|0> – Whether to display status text or not. . . source :

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Amxx Clock Maker

Amxx Clock Maker for cs 1.6 Server Description:This plugin allows the creation of multiple clocks on the map that can be saved and the map reloaded. Commands:say /cm – To open the main menu. Cvars:cm_hourtype 1 (0: 12 hours, 1: 24 hours).cm_hourannounce 1 (hear time on time).cm_timeoffset 0 (the time…

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AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE & Round V3 with color blue for ct , red for t Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. Put hudteamscorev3.amxx in amxmodx / plugins.Add hudteamscorev3.amxx at the bottom of…

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AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE V2 WITH COLOR Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. Put hudteamscorev2.amxx in amxmodx / plugins.Add hudteamscorev2.amxx at the bottom of plugins.ini and save it.Finally change map or restart the…

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AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE WITH COLOR Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. . Instruction; Put hudteamscore.amxx in amxmodx / plugins. Add hudteamscore.amxx at the bottom of plugins.ini and save it. Finally change map…

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