Spam Kick

Spam Kick Description: The plugin blocks spam messages and punishes spammers. You can set message filter from configs\spam.ini CVAR-s:amx_spam_option 0/1/2/3 – spamming mode:0 – only block chat1 – ban player2 – ban player by SteamID3 – ban player by IPDefault: 0 amx_spam_max “number” – maximum number of spam messages a player can…

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Show teammate’s money

Show teammate’s money Description: When a player respawns, they will be shown a hud message with each teammate’s money. CVAR-s:stm_on <1|0> – Plugin On/Off.stm_st_on <1|0> – Whether to display status text or not. . . source :

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[CS:S Full GUI] – CS2

[CS:S Full GUI] – CS2 CS2 Full Theme for Counter-Strike Source Modified files: -Main Background-Client Scheme-Tracker Scheme-Panel MOTD-Panel TeamMenu-Panel ClassMenu-Panel BuyMenu & Submenus-Panel Spec-Panel Tabscore Update (01/10/2023)Apparently the Theme didn’t work for many people, I made the GUI based on the latest version of Counter-Strike Source from Steam but it…

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  • Flag Counter