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Welcome Message Center CS 1.6

Welcome Message Center CS 1.6 . Welcome message plugin greets you when you enter the game. The message that appears on the muzzle of the player entering the game disappears after a while. The example is as seen in the picture. You can use when use csgo crosshair and type…

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3rd Camera View CS 1.6

3rd Camera View CS 1.6 . 3rd view provides an outside view of your player character. It provides the opportunity to play in 3D. As seen in the example picture. You activate it by typing /3pers from Say . To return to the previous state, you type /3pers again  . . Player Command. Installation. 3rd Camera…

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Shoot Grenades

Shoot Grenades . Shoot Grenades plugin is a plugin that allows you to destroy smoke, flash, hg and c4 grenades by shooting them. You can better understand what it is like when you watch the sample video. . . Cvar commands Installation

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Anti Camper’s Radar

Anti Camper’s Radar , Anti camper’s radar plugin helps show inactive players on enemy radar. The default inactivity time is 80. When you remain inactive during this period, your location appears on enemy radar.You can change the duration setting with the cvar command. , , . Installation

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Counter-Strike HS ScreenShoter

Counter-Strike HS ScreenShoter . . . Take your headshot!Counter-Strike HS ScreenShoter is a program with which you can take screenshots of all your HeadShots. Program setup:In the “Your nick name” cell, enter your nickname, in the “Counter Strike Paste” indicate the path to Counter-Strike. Check the box “Only take Screenshots of…

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