C4 Taker Plugins

C4 Taker Plugins


Get that C4 from your teammates!Have you ever had a noob teammate that doesn’t know what to do with the bomb? Do you find yourself enabling friendly fire because your bots tend to jump around the bombsite while carrying the bomb




So what does the C4 TAKER do, you ask? Well it let’s you take the C4 from your teammates, silly! No more fists full of hair, bald spots, and grinding teeth! No more smashed mice, fits of rage and primal screams of agony! By using state-of-the-art coding, all you have to do is look at the bomb carrier and press your USE key (default ‘E’) and viola! Hello C4! As long as you’re the ADMIN you can now have the bomb anytime, anyplace. It’s that easy! It also comes with a handy HUD message to clue in first time users.


But wait, there’s more! This download entitles you to 4, yes count them, 4 CVARS to answer your every need!

  • Don’t want to chase your bomb carrier? Then set the max distance with c4t_max_distance. Set it to 1000 and take that C4 right out of the other side of Long A!
  • You want to take the C4 from a human player? Type c4t_take_from_humans 1 and let those fools scratch their heads figuring out what happened to the bomb.
  • What’s that? That HUD Message is annoying the hell out of you? Well why didn’t you say so? Just set c4t_hud to 0. In contrast, if you like it so much, you can set it to 9999!
  • Come again? You want the C4 all to yourself? Greedy, aren’t we. But hey, man! I got your back! Just set c4t_admin_only to 2 and you’ll spawn with the C4 each and every round!
  • What’s that you say? You want everyone of your teammates to join in the fun? Well just set c4t_admin_only to 0 and knock yourselves out!!!



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