Plugin all_death_beams.amxx v2 for cs 1.6

Description Plugin all_death_beams.amxx v2 for cs 1.6 server :
A simple cs 1.6 plugin, purely for decorating the server. Its essence is that when a player dies, he will be shown the trajectory of the enemy’s bullets with an animated line, which will have the color of the team of the one who killed. That is, for example, if a player was killed by a terrorist, the line will be red, and if the counter-terrorist, the line will be blue.
If you don’t want the line colors to be exactly like the standard, then you can change them with the command in the console: amx_deathbeams_randcolor 0 | 1 (new colors each time).
If you do not want the plugin to work / not work, then you can enter the following command in the console: amx_deathbeams_enabled 1 | 0 (on / off the plugin).
This is the second version of the plugin.

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