Generate demo data

Retrieve demo data such as match score, players information, rounds details… As this process may take times, data are stored in cache so you don’t have to regenerate it.

Demos location

Add multiple demos folders location to organise as you want your demos. You are able to navigate between them or display all demos from all folders.

Custom data

Add a comment and a status (to watch, watched…) for each demo.

Demos features
Watch features

Watch demos

Watch demos in one click. You are also able to watch demos at specific round, kill, stuff or tick.

Highlights / Lowlights

Watch your best actions or your worst from your or enemies POV. It may help you to improve and understand your mistakes.

Stuffs finder

Find quickly all stuffs (smokes, flashbangs, HE grenades, molotovs / incendiaries and decoys) that has been thrown during a match.

Half Life Advanced Effects support

If you are a moviemaker, you can watch your demos with the integration of HLAE.

Track your stats

Stats such as rank evolution, kills average, headshots percentage, match win average… are rendered on graphs. This stats are displayed weekly, don’t forget to download each demos to avoid wrong stats.

Multiple account support

If you have multiple account or you want to see stats from others player, you are able to add accounts (identified by Steam ID) and display stats only for a particular one.

Stats features
Export features


Heatmap allow you to see where specific events happened (kills, nades throws…). You are able to export it into a .png file.


Export demos data to Excel file (.xls).

Data are grouped in multiple sheets.


Most of the graphs are exportable as a PNG file.


If you need your demos data to use it in an external tool, you can export it as a JSON file.

Download MM demos

Download your last matchmaking demos directly from the app. A notification is sent every time CSGO is closed to invite you to download your last demos.


Download demo from its share code or send it to a third parties application.

Downloads features
VAC features

VAC tracking

Keep track of players that you suspected of cheating by adding them in the “Supects list”.

Suspects BOT

CSGO Demos Manager include a BOT that check in background if a suspect has been banned and send Windows notifications if it’s the case.

Windows integration

Open .dem files from Windows explorer.

Multi language

The application is available in multiple languages.

If you want to contribute into its internationalization, feel free to check the how-to on GitHub.

Others features

Download file :


. *CSGO Demos Manager requires .NET Framework 4.5 and Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (x86) .


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