AMXX Frag Counter

AMXX Frag Counter Description: Theplugin shows us how many people we’ve killed, on the left side we see a frags counter. Installation: File fragscounter.amxx move to cstrike / addons / amxmodx / plugins  Edit plugins.ini and add: fragscounter. amxx  . .

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Amxx Unbanmenu For Admins

A plugin that will make it easy for you to delete registered ips in banned.cfg and listip.cfg. You can clear the list with one command. Cvar commands; amx_unbanmenu – Opens Ban Clear Menu . . Instruction; Put unbanmenu.amxx in amxmodx / plugins. Add unbanmenu.amxx at the bottom of Plugins.ini and save…

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Amxx Grenade Trail

This plugins makes you see the travel of a Grenade when you or someone else throws one. HE = Red FB = Blue SG = Green Instruction : “granade_trail.amxx” file in the / plugins folder. Add “granade_trail.amxx” text to the bottom line of the plugins.ini file Finally, reset the server,…

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Amxx Admin Prefixes

Admin Prefixes for cs server Description: With this plugin you can set prefixes to Admins with special flags. Also Admins can put custom prefixes to them or to other players if they want, but only if they have the required flag. Cvars : ap_bad_prefixes 1 ap_listen 0 ap_listen_flag l ap_custom_current…

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AMXX AFK Manager – Afk to Spec

CS 1.6 AFK Manager This plugin features: A Management for alive AFK client and AFK client in appearance select menu based on switch to spectators (or based on kick if this feature is disabled) ; A Kick management for AFK spectators (or for all players if spectator switch management is…

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Auto Restart in Round or Seconds

Cvar supported game startup automatic restart plugin. New opening mapte restarts automatically after the second round. Cvar commands; amx_restart_round 2 (The command to restart in the third round) amx_restart_time 15 (The command to restart after how many seconds in the selected round) amx_restart_notice 3 ( Allows players to see how the res was taken) 0 : Don’t show up 1 : As…

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Custum Hud Message

An ad-smelling plugin.  it’s more of an advertising plugin. You can broadcast a fixed message or site advertisement that you have set in the upper right corner of the screen. Additionally, you can add an effect to the message. I put two pictures as an example. Probably a plugin that I think most…

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Amxx No Team Flash

. It is a very useful and nice plug-in that ensures that the flashes against the opposing team during the game do not affect your own teammates . . . . Installation; File “no_team_flash.sma” into the / cstrike / addons / amxmodx / scripting folder. File “no_team_flash.amxx” into the /…

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Admin Give Money

CS 1.6 Admin money allows you to give money to the players you want with this plugin with the name cs 1.6 admin money-giving plug-in. Example command like amx_givemoney csplugin 16000 . Admin Command;amx_givemoney (nick) (money) . . Installation; File “admin_money.sma” into the / cstrike / addons / amxmodx /…

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Admin Listen

Admin list plug-in allows you to read the articles of the dead. It is a plug-in for admins only. Admins can see the writings of dead or live players through this plugin. Cvar Command; amx_voice_listen 1 (Open) 0 (Shutdown) Setup;    1. “amx_adminlisten.sma” file to / cstrike / addons / amxmodx / scripting folder.    2….

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  • Flag Counter