
css_dust2 css_dust2 for counter-strike 1.6 CSS_DUST2 (Bomb/Defuse) Map created by Tatu Eugen – www.tatueugen.info This map is a remake from de_dust2 of CS: Source game, map is recreated with all buildings, and some stuff from css, keep some things from original de_dust2 of CS: 1.6 , in some areas low computers…

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Space Sky

Space Sky CS 1.6 Plugins With this plugin, the sky turns into night mode. . . How to install: 1. Put the spaceSky.amxx inside the plugin folder. 2. Enter the spaceSky.amxx file in the last line of plugins.ini 3. Change the map.

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C4 Taker Plugins

C4 Taker Plugins . Get that C4 from your teammates!Have you ever had a noob teammate that doesn’t know what to do with the bomb? Do you find yourself enabling friendly fire because your bots tend to jump around the bombsite while carrying the bomb . . C4 TAKER! So…

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