Spam Kick

Spam Kick

Description: The plugin blocks spam messages and punishes spammers. You can set message filter from configs\spam.ini

amx_spam_option 0/1/2/3 – spamming mode:
0 – only block chat
1 – ban player
2 – ban player by SteamID
3 – ban player by IP
Default: 0

amx_spam_max “number” – maximum number of spam messages a player can make before being penalized. If the value is more than 1, all subsequent spam messages will be blocked. Default: 5

amx_spam_ban_time “minutes” – if the penalty is a ban, how many minutes to ban the player. Default: 3
amx_spam_log 1/0 – enable/disable logging of every kick, ban or game shutdown. By default: 1



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