Smoke Limiter

Smoke Limiter


This plugin is smoke limiter, also known as smoke limitation. It serves to limit the amount of smoke bombs . In other words, it does not ban it completely, it just does not provide this opportunity to everyone by adjusting the purchase rate. The plugin was created mostly for small maps.



Cvar Command

  • smoke_limiter_limit 5 (Default setting) (Smoke grenade retrieval limit)
  • smoke_limiter_nosound 1 (Limit warning sound)
  • smoke_limiter_notext 1 (Limit warning message)


  •    1. File “smoke_limiter.sma” into /cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting folder.
  •    2. File “smoke_limiter.amxx” into /cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins folder.
  •    3. Add the text “smoke_limiter.amxx” to the bottom line of the /cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini file.
  •    4. Finally, res the server or change the map.!

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