Smoke Grenade Features Plugin for CS 1.6

Smoke Grenade Features plugin for CS 1.6 – this plugin will be very useful for those servers where smoke grenades are often used , and often because of them there are lags for players who have weak hardware, which does not give a high-quality game for the player. And this plugin is just a miracle, it will remove these annoying lags and eternal FPS subsidence . Also, this is not the only advantage of the plug-in, it will remove all bugs with smoke , that is, those bugs that occur when a player throws a grenade into the sky, under the tectures, or simply not right, in general, there is no trace of smoke in such situations, but the plugin will fix it and the smoke will be all the same. Also pluginfights with those players who set 16 bits in the image settings in order to see better in the smoke, now they will all be bummed. The archive will contain three versions of the plugin, and all additional information is contained therein in a file with the .txt format .
When installing the plugin, you need to activate the modules:
