Plugin sillyc4 [puts the C4 bomb on the move] for cs 1.6

The sillyc4 plugin for the cs 1.6 server will allow the terrorist team to plant the C4 bomb on the go, that is, on the move, they don’t need to sit and move for this? to lay it. Also, this counter-strike 1.6 plugin will allow you to put a bomb on the walls, and when CT detonate it, the player will have hallucinations.
Quotas for the plugin (write to the amx.cfg file which is in the config folder)
amx_sc_rannumber – this command can be hallucinated during disinfection or not.
amx_sc_wallplant – this command will allow you to put the C4 bomb in different planes, walls.
amx_sc_removeres – and this command will allow you to move during the installation of explosives.
Required plugins:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <engine>
#include <csx>
#include <xs>

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