Using the bulletpogo.amxx plug-in, shooting at a player’s floor pushes him off the ground. In this version, a config with settings has been added in which you can set the access flag for this feature (for example, only for VIPs)
Plugin: bulletpogo.amxx
Posted by: bugsy
Version: 0.1
Source bulletpogo.sma: is
Pogo.cfg settings:
// Configure Bulletpogo plugin
// The force with which it pushes off the ground
bp_strength “375.0”
// Enable / Disable fall damage
bp_falldamage “0”
// Enable / Disable pushing away from other players on hit
bp_pogoplayer “0”
// Flag of the player who always runs bulletpogo
// 0 – pogo for everyone
pogo_flag “t”
1. Drop the bulletpogo.amxx file into the addons / amxmodx / plugins folder
2. Drop the file bulletpogo.sma into the addons / amxmodx / scripting folder
3. Drop the pogo.cfg file into the addons / amxmodx / configs folder
4. Register bulletpogo.amxx in the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini

source : https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1131404