AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE V2 WITH COLOR Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. Put hudteamscorev2.amxx in amxmodx / plugins.Add hudteamscorev2.amxx at the bottom of plugins.ini and save it.Finally change map or restart the…

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AMXX HUD TEAM SCORE WITH COLOR Description:You can see TT team and CT team score for each victory won. Hud team score for server with color blue – red. . Instruction; Put hudteamscore.amxx in amxmodx / plugins. Add hudteamscore.amxx at the bottom of plugins.ini and save it. Finally change map…

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AMXX AFK Manager – Afk to Spec

CS 1.6 AFK Manager This plugin features: A Management for alive AFK client and AFK client in appearance select menu based on switch to spectators (or based on kick if this feature is disabled) ; A Kick management for AFK spectators (or for all players if spectator switch management is…

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Descriptive ‘Fire in the hole!’ (+colors)

Descriptive ‘Fire in the hole!’Description Plugin provides additional colored text for “Fire in the hole!” radio chat message.The color and the text is different for each grenade type and can be altered.This will help teammates to get the throwed grenade type and act accordingly.Search for “EDITABLE” mark in the plugin’s…

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Simple Afk Slay in 30 sec

Afk Slayer 30 sec The AFK Slayer plug-in is a plug-in that automatically “slides” to players with AFK. Automatically kills players with more than 30 seconds of Afk stay. . . you can change the time to slay the afk change this #define TIME 30.0 . .

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Last Visited

A plugin that allows you to see the last visited plug in date and time when you last logged in. You can see when you last logged in by typing Say / lastvisited or / lv . . modules; cvars; Player Commands; . .

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